
A scenario is a set of events that are sent to one or more NEMs in order to change environmental characteristics such as locations, pathloss and antenna pointing. Events are delivered opaquely to registered radio model and physical layer instances allowing individual radio models to use their own specialized events when necessary.

Events are defined using Google Protocol Buffers and transmitted to emulator instances via the multicast event channel or in some special circumstances via the multicast over-the-air channel. Events on the over-the-air channel are referred to as attached events because they are attached to specific over-the-air messages. The attached event mechanism is used by a small subset of compat1 radio models to issue antenna profile events that are required to be processed before their respective over-the-air message. The vast majority of radio models do not use attached events and the MIMO API (compat2) makes using attached events for antenna profile control unnecessary.

EMANE provides two mechanisms for generating events and injecting them into a running emulation: event generator plugins using the Event Service and applications using the Python module.

The Emulation Event Log Generator for the Event Service provides a time based input sentence syntax for defining emulation events and is discussed in detail in a later section.

The Python module provides an event class for each of the standard EMANE events and an EventService class for sending and receiving events. The following sections detail each of the standard EMANE events along with Python usage examples and command line tools that are available for quick event injection.

You can also use event protocol buffer definitions to develop your own tools that generate and send events. The emane-example-cpp-events project is an example of doing just that in C++.

Monitoring Events

It can be beneficial to monitor events in order to determine why an emulation may not be executing as intended. Events can be monitored in a number of way: using the EMANE shell (emanesh) to inspect individual event reception tables; using OpenTestPoint to monitor all event reception tables of all nodes in an emulation, or using emaneevent-dump to listen and display event contents transmitted via the event and over-the-air channels.

Depending on the scale of your emulation and your reason for monitoring events, some monitoring methods may be more appropriate than others. As we discuss event monitoring, you can try any of the following examples yourself using a running rfpipe-01 example. Don’t worry about what the nodes in the example are doing. For now we are only interested in events.

The emaneevent-dump application listens on an interface for events and displays the Python representation of received event data. If you are trying this yourself with rfpipe-01, you might miss the event sent at the start of the example. You can send events with any of the example scripts in emane-guide/examples/event-01/scripts and see them with emaneevent-dump. The examples below are after executing the script.

$ emaneevent-dump -i letce0
[1694014118.758490] nem: 0 event: 100 len: 33 seq: 1 [Location]
 UUID: 8e156854-12c9-42eb-9d56-f2e5bfb771af
   (1, {'latitude': 37.274043, 'longitude': -115.79903, 'altitude': 10.0})

If you are not seeing any events, you might have to set letce0 to be a trusted interface: sudo firewall-cmd –zone=trusted –change-interface=letce0

The emanesh application can query a running emane instance to view statistics and statistic tables.

$ emanesh node-1 get table nems phy EventReceptionTable
nem 1   phy EventReceptionTable
| Event | Total Rx |
| 100   | 1        |
| 101   | 1        |

The Physical Layer EventReceptionTable keeps a count of all received events by event id.

Event Id Event Name
100 Location
101 Pathloss
102 Antenna Profile
103 Comm Effect
104 IEEE802.11abg One Hop
105 TDMA Schedule
106 Fading Selection

OpenTestPoint probes for EMANE publish statistic and statistic table measurements on OpenTestPoint time boundaries, once every 5 seconds. An easy way to view a correlated table of EventReceptionTable entries from all nodes is to use otestpoint-labtools-mtabletool.

$ otestpoint-labtools-mtabletool \
    localhost:9002 \
    Measurement_emane_physicallayer_tables_events@eventreceptiontable \
    EMANE.PhysicalLayer.Tables.Events \
    --actions \
    "pass(c=(0));" \
    "pass(c=(1))=>|Total|};" \
    --pivot "values=(2),index=(0),cols=(1);"

Which will produce a periodically updated long-form table of per node event counts pivoted on event id.

Event        100 101
node-1         1   1
node-2         1   1
node-3         1   1
node-4         1   1
node-5         1   1


An AntennaProfileEvent is used to set the antenna profile and pointing information (azimuth and elevation) for an NEM’s default antenna (index 0).

NEMs must know the antenna profile and pointing information for themselves and/or any other NEMs that have their physical layer configuration parameters set accordingly:

  1. compatibilitymode is 1
  2. fixedanntennagainenable is off
package EMANEMessage;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
message AntennaProfileEvent
  message Profile
    required uint32 nemId = 1;
    required uint32 profileId = 2;
    required double antennaAzimuthDegrees = 3;
    required double antennaElevationDegrees = 4;
  repeated Profile profiles = 1;


The following example uses the Python module to send antenna profile updates for two NEMs to all NEMs.

from import EventService
from import AntennaProfileEvent

# create the event service
service = EventService(('',45703,'letce0'))

# create an event
event = AntennaProfileEvent()

# append NEM 1 & NEM 2 antenna profile and pointing

# publish the event to all NEMs


The emaneevent-antennaprofile command line tool can be used to set a single antenna profile and pointing for one or more NEMs. See emaneevent-antennaprofile --help for more information.

$ emaneevent-antennaprofile 1 profile=1 azimuth=291.11372919270093 elevation=69.66042286291453 -i letce0


A LocationEvent is used to set the location and optionally the velocity and/or orientation of an NEM.

NEMs must know the location of all other NEMs if any of the following physical layer configuration parameters are set accordingly:

  1. propagationmodel is 2ray or freespace
  2. fading.model is event, nakagami, or lognormal
  3. dopplershiftenable is on
  4. fixedanntennagainenable is off
package EMANEMessage;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
message LocationEvent
  message Location
    message Position
      required double latitudeDegrees = 1;
      required double longitudeDegrees = 2;
      required double altitudeMeters = 3;
    message Velocity
      required double azimuthDegrees = 1;
      required double elevationDegrees = 2;
      required double magnitudeMetersPerSecond = 3;
    message Orientation
      required double rollDegrees = 1;
      required double pitchDegrees = 2;
      required double yawDegrees = 3;
    required uint32 nemId = 1;
    required Position position = 2;
    optional Velocity velocity = 3;
    optional Orientation orientation = 4;
  repeated Location locations = 1;


The following example uses the Python module to send a location update for a single NEM.

from import EventService
from import LocationEvent

# create the event service
service = EventService(('',45703,'letce0'))

# create an event
event = LocationEvent()

# append NEM 1 position

# publish the event to all NEMs


The emaneevent-location command line tool can be used to set a single position, with an optional velocity and/or orientation, as the position for one or more NEMs. See emaneevent-location --help for more information.

$ emaneevent-location 1 latitude=37.274043 longitude=-115.799030 altitude=10.0 -i letce0


A PathlossEvent is used to set the pathloss used at a receiving NEM for over-the-air transmissions from one or more specified source NEMs.

NEMs must know the pathloss for transmitting NEMs if any of the following physical layer configuration parameters are set accordingly:

  1. propagationmodel is precomuted
package EMANEMessage;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
message PathlossEvent
  message Pathloss
    required uint32 nemId = 1;
    required float forwardPathlossdB = 2;
    required float reversePathlossdB = 3;
  repeated Pathloss pathlosses = 1;


The following example uses the Python module to send a pathloss update to NEMs 1 through 3 to place them in a straight line. If a previous pathloss event enabled NEM 1 and NEM 3 to see each other, the script should be modified to add a sufficiently large enough pathloss between the two to prevent direct communication.

from import EventService
from import PathlossEvent

# create the event service
service = EventService(('',45703,'letce0'))

# topology: 1 <-> 2 <-> 3

# create an event setting the pathloss between 1 & 2
event = PathlossEvent()

# publish the event

# create an event setting the pathloss between 2 & 3
event = PathlossEvent()

# publish the event


The physical layer ignores any self-pathloss information, so you can avoid having to create separate event objects to change the bidirectional pathloss between two nodes.

The emaneevent-pathloss command line tool can be used to set the pathloss between one or more NEMs. See emaneevent-pathloss --help for more information.

$ emaneevent-pathloss 1:5 200 -i letce0


A FadingSelectionEvent is used to set the fading model in use at a receiving NEM for over-the-air transmission from one or more specified source NEMs.

NEMs must know the fading model selection for transmitting NEMs if the receiving NEM has its physical layer configuration parameters set accordingly:

  1. fading.model is event
package EMANEMessage;
option optimize_for = SPEED;
message FadingSelectionEvent
  enum Model
    TYPE_NONE = 1;
  message Entry
    required uint32 nemId = 1;
    required Model model = 2;
  repeated Entry entries = 1;


The following example uses the Python module to send a fading model selection to all NEMs, selecting nakagami for all received traffic from NEMs 1 through 5.

from import EventService
from import FadingSelectionEvent

# create the event service
service = EventService(('',45703,'letce0'))

# create an event setting nakagami fading model to be used for all
# over-the-air messages from NEMs 1 - 5
event =FadingSelectionEvent()

# publish the event


The emaneevent-fadingselection command line tool can be used to set the fading selection used at receiving NEMs for messages from transmitting NEMs. See emaneevent-fadingselection --help for more information.

$ emaneevent-fadingselection 1:5 nakagami -i letce0