Getting Started

This guide includes a set of letce2 (Lightweight Experiment Template Configuration Environment) defined example experiments that highlight various emane features of interest.

lecte2 provides a hierarchical mechanism for generating experiment configuration using the Mako template engine and supports a plugin architecture for defining test environment execution controls. More details on letce2 can be found in the letce2-tutorial.

For the purpose of this guide, a set of configuration file templates (example/templates) are used to produce per node configuration specific files based on experiment specific experiment.cfg definition files. These templates provide the ability to run and interact with example experiments.



[!common:experiment] =%(@experiment_control_interface)s

<... snippet: only 25 lines shown...>


Examples use the letce2 LXC plugin to create one LXC container per experiment node. A makefile is used to simplify issuing letce2 commands for generating experiment node configuration, with resulting files partitioned into directories named by experiment.cfg section, which are experiment node names.

$ tree emane-guide/examples/rfpipe-01/node-1
|-- batman-adv
|-- emane-platform.xml
|-- emane-rfpipe-nem.xml
|-- emane-rfpipe-pcr.xml
|-- emane-rfpipe-radiomodel.xml
|-- emane-transvirtual.xml
|-- functions
|-- init
|-- init.local
|-- lxc.conf
|-- mgen
|-- otestpoint-probe-emane-physicallayer.xml
|-- otestpoint-probe-emane-rfpipe.xml
|-- otestpoint-probe-emane-virtualtransport.xml
|-- otestpoint-probe-mgen.xml
|-- otestpoint-recorder.xml
`-- otestpoint.xml

To start an example, change directory to the example directory and issue the letce2 start command:

$ pushd emane-guide/examples/rfpipe-01
$ letce2 lxc start

To stop an example, issue the letce2 stop command from the same example directory:

$ letce2 lxc stop

If running from built source, both the letce2 start and stop commands must contain an additional command line environment file option to add Adjacent Link FOSS application, library, and Python package build paths to individual LXC container environments.

Installation from Pre-built Packages

Adjacent Link distributes pre-built packages for all emane and experiment support software in bundles versioned by corresponding emane version and a release index. All bundles are signed using the Adjacent Link code signing key.

All software dependencies are available using standard distribution repositories.

At the time of this writing, the latest emane version is 1.5.1.

Fedora Linux

To use wget to download the latest release bundle for Fedora Linux:

$ wget
$ wget
$ gpg2 --verify emane-1.5.1-release-1.f39.x86_64.tar.gz.asc

To unpack and install bundle software:

$ tar zxvf emane-1.5.1-release-1.f39.x86_64.tar.gz
$ sudo dnf install $(find emane-1.5.1-release-1 -name '*.rpm' -print | egrep -v '(devel|debug)')

Rocky Linux

To use wget to download the latest release bundle for Rocky Linux and verify the release signature with gpg2:

$ wget
$ wget
$ gpg2 --verify emane-1.5.1-release-1.el8.x86_64.tar.gz.asc

To unpack and install bundle software:

$ tar zxvf emane-1.5.1-release-1.el8.x86_64.tar.gz
$ dnf install epel-release 
$ dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
$ sudo dnf install $(find emane-1.5.1-release-1 -name '*.rpm' -print | egrep -v '(devel|debug)')

At the time of this writing, the lxc rpm distributed via Rocky 8 repositories is missing a build dependency in the spec file which causes the configure call invoked during rpm build to not build lxc.init.static. Adjacent Link distributes a bundle with pre-built lxc packages which include the necessary static components.

To use wget to download the latest release bundle for Rocky Linux lxc rpms with static init and verify the release signature with gpg2:

$ wget
$ wget
$ gpg2 --verify lxc-3.0.4-2.static_init-release-1.el8.tar.bz2.asc

To unpack and install the bundle software:

$ tar xf lxc-3.0.4-2.static_init-release-1.el8.tar.bz2
$ sudo dnf install \
   lxc-3.0.4-2.static_init-release-1/rpms/el8/x86_64/lxc-3.0.4-2.static_init.el8.x86_64.rpm \

The examples in this guide that use a MANET routing protocol, as well as those in the letce2-tutorial, use Better Approach to Mobile Ad-hoc Networking (B.A.T.M.A.N.). Rocky 8 does not build the batman-adv module as part of the distribution kernel module package. In order to experiment with the examples using batman-adv, either rebuild your kernel with the batman-adv module or use the supplied script to download and build a batman-adv kernel module rpm using the version of the currently running kernel.

To build and install the batman-adv kernel module

$ sudo emane-guide/extras/
$ sudo dnf install kmod-batman-adv-*x86_64.rpm

If you are using Secure Boot, follow the instructions at the conclusion of to sign the module with your Machine Owner Key (MOK).

To sign the batman-adv kernel module replace with the full path to the system mok key:

sudo /usr/src/kernels/$(uname -r)/scripts/sign-file \
  sha256 \
  /replace/with/path/to/your/mok.priv \
  /replace/with/path/to/your/mok.der \
  /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/extra/batman-adv/batman-adv.ko


To use wget to download the latest release bundle for Ubuntu and verify the release signature with gpg2:

$ wget
$ wget
$ gpg2 --verify emane-1.5.1-release-1.ubuntu-22_04.amd64.tar.gz.asc

To unpack and install bundle software:

$ tar zxvf emane-1.5.1-release-1.ubuntu-22_04.amd64.tar.gz
$ cd emane-1.5.1-release-1/debs/ubuntu-22_04/amd64
$ sudo dpkg -i $(find emane-1.5.1-release-1 -name '*.deb' -print | egrep -v '(dev|debug)')
$ apt-get install -f

Running From Source Build

It is possible to run the examples in this guide directly from source build. The script will clone and build the latest release of all Adjacent Link FOSS projects. Running from source build requires the use of the environments-foss package which adds Adjacent Link FOSS application, library, and Python package build paths to the current shell environment.

The following instructions for using assume emane-guide has been cloned in ~/dev, which is also the location to clone and build all Adjacent Link FOSS, and all Adjacent Link FOSS build dependencies have been installed.

$ mkdir -p ~/dev
$ pushd ~/dev
$ git clone
$ emane-guide/extras/ build

If you wish to build the latest develop instead of the latest release, modify the build script changing all branches from master to develop.


emane-guide/extras/ lines: 48-66

The emane dtd and schema must be copied to /usr/share/emane. These are core files that never change, regardless of which version of emane you are running.

$ sudo mkdir -p /usr/share/emane/{dtd,schema}
$ sudo cp ~/dev/emane/schema/*.xsd /usr/share/emane/schema
$ sudo cp ~/dev/emane/dtd/*.{dtd,ent} /usr/share/emane/dtd

Generate manifest files for emulation components and models. Manifest files contain descriptions of all configuration, statistics, and statistic tables, and are used by some applications to validate input. The default location for manifest files is /usr/share/emane/manifest. The EMANEMANIFESTPATH environment variable can be used to point to alternate manifest file locations.

$ mkdir ~/dev/manifest
$ pushd ~/dev/emane && scripts/ ~/dev/manifest && popd

Every time you want to start or stop one of the emane-guide examples, use the letce2 -e option to load the adjacentlink-foss.env environment in each lxc runtime environment. Be sure to also source adjacentlink-foss.env and letce2.env in your shell environment prior to issuing the lecte2 commands. For example:

$ . ~/dev/environments-foss/adjacentlink-foss.env
$ . ~/dev/environments-foss/letce2.env
$ pushd  ~/dev/emane-guide/examples/rfpipe-01
$ letce2 lxc start -e ~/dev/environments-foss/adjacentlink-foss.env
$ letce2 lxc stop -e ~/dev/environments-foss/adjacentlink-foss.env

Adjacent Link FOSS distribution packages (rpms or debs) CANNOT be installed when using source build. Python module path lookup failure will occur due to Python namespaces being used by both installed packages and PYTHONPATH.

Build Dependencies

All Adjacent Link FOSS project build dependencies are available from standard distribution repositories.

Fedora Linux

To install build dependencies in Fedora Linux:

$ sudo dnf install autoconf automake boost-devel cmake fftw3-devel gcc-c++ git \
   libconfig-devel libpcap-devel libtool libuuid-devel libxml2-devel lksctp-tools-devel \
   make mbedtls-devel pcre-devel protobuf-devel python3-devel python3-protobuf \
   python3-setuptools redhat-lsb-core rpm-build sqlite-devel zeromq-devel

Rocky Linux

To install build dependencies in Rocky Linux:

$ sudo dnf install epel-release
$ sudo dnf config-manager --set-enabled powertools
$ sudo dnf install autoconf automake boost-devel cmake fftw3-devel gcc-c++ git \
   libconfig-devel libpcap-devel libtool libuuid-devel libxml2-devel lksctp-tools-devel \
   make mbedtls-devel pcre-devel protobuf-devel python3-devel python3-protobuf \
   python3-setuptools redhat-lsb-core rpm-build sqlite-devel zeromq-devel


To install build dependencies in Ubuntu Linux:

$ sudo apt-get install autoconf automake cmake debhelper dh-python g++ gcc git \
   libboost-program-options-dev libconfig++-dev libfftw3-dev libmbedtls-dev libpcap-dev \
   libpcre3-dev libprotobuf-dev libsctp-dev libsqlite3-dev libtool libxml2-dev libzmq3-dev \
   libzmq5 lsb-release pkg-config protobuf-compiler python3-dev python3-lxml python3-protobuf \
   python3-setuptools python3-zmq sqlite3 uuid-dev

/etc/hosts Additions

Adding the contents of hosts-additions to your system /etc/hosts is recommended. These additions contain common emane-guide honstname-to-ip-address mapping that make it easier to generate and monitor traffic.

# emane-guide container address mapping
# node-1 node-2 node-3 node-4 node-5 node-6 node-7 node-8 node-9 node-10 node-server

<... snippet: only 15 lines shown...>


You can cut-and-paste hosts-additions contents into /etc/hosts or use the following command:

$ sudo sh -c 'cat /home/$SUDO_USER/dev/emane-guide/extras/hosts-additions >> /etc/hosts'